Briefing by the Chief of the CSTO Joint Staff, Anatoly Sidorov, on the results of joint training of collective forces for 2018 and tasks for 2019

Colonel-General Anatoly Sidorov, Chief of the Joint Headquarters of the Collective Security Treaty Organization, held a briefing at the Russia Today International Press Center at MIA, with video connection of sites in Yerevan, Minsk, Astana, Bishkek and Chisinau.

The topic of the briefing: "Results of the joint training of the governing bodies and forces and means of the CSTO collective security system for 2018 and tasks for 2019".

During the event, the Head of the CSTO Joint Staff spoke about the military-political situation in the East European, Caucasus and Central Asian collective security regions of the Organization, the results of the joint preparation of the CSTO Forces (Collective Forces) last year and the main tasks for 2019.

The chief of the CSTO Joint Staff said that in order to ensure the readiness of the collective security system’s forces to ensure guaranteed protection, prevent aggression or threaten aggression against the Organization’s member states, a complex of measures is being conducted on an ongoing basis, one of which is joint operational and combat training.

"In 2018, we continued the practice of conducting joint training activities against a single background of a conditional military-political and strategic situation. All joint exercises were conducted as part of the operational-strategic exercise" Combat Brotherhood ", during which questions were developed to improve decision-making mechanisms forces and means of the collective security system of the CSTO and the organization of command and control of troops (collective forces), as well as increasing coherence in the actions of forces we are collective security in the preparation and conduct of joint operations, "- said Anatoly Sidorov.

According to him, the main objectives of the joint exercises were:

- improvement of the forms of application of the CSTO Troops (Collective Forces) and the methods of accomplishing the tasks for the purpose of the formations belonging to them;

- coordination of command and control bodies in planning the use and management of troops, and military contingents of the CSTO member states in charge of joint special, military and peacekeeping operations;

- conducting research on the most pressing issues of development, preparation and use of forces and means of the collective security system.

In order to practice training questions, a conditional environment was created, based on the deterrence and resolution of an armed conflict on the territory of one of the CSTO member states and the conduct of a peacekeeping operation on the territory of a non-member state according to the resolution of the UN Security Council.

To conduct joint exercises, nine training grounds were used in the territories of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic and the Russian Federation.

More than 10 thousand people, more than 1500 units of armaments and military equipment, including more than 90 units of aircraft, were attracted to the joint operational-strategic doctrine “Combat Brotherhood-2018”.

Within the framework of the joint exercise, research was organized by representatives of the basic research organizations of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, military educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as representatives of the defense departments of the Republic of Armenia and the Kyrgyz Republic, the results of which we will certainly take into account when conducting joint activities this year.

All events were held at a high level, which was repeatedly noted by observers at all stages of the exercise, including from the United Nations, from the Armed Forces of the Republic of Serbia, the regional Delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross in the Russian Federation, Belarus and Moldova, etc.

The joint operational-strategic doctrine “Combat Brotherhood-2018” was organized and conducted in three stages, which allowed us to work out the whole complex of measures for prevention (deterrence), resolution of the armed conflict and post-conflict resolution in a logical sequence.

In the course of the strategic command-staff training, one of the options for action by the CSTO Crisis Response Center in the event of a crisis situation in the Central Asian region of collective security, which arose as a result of actions by international terrorist organizations, was considered. At the same time, considerable work was done on analyzing the current situation, carrying out operational calculations, developing a package of documents necessary for a decision to be made by the Organization’s Collective Security Council.

At the second stage, the tasks of applying the CSTO Troops (Collective Forces) to resolve the armed conflict were worked out.

At the beginning of October 2018, special tactical exercises with Poisk-2018 reconnaissance forces and equipment were organized and conducted at the test sites of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

From October 1 to October 14, the Air Bridge-2018 command and staff exercise was held for the first time on the territory of the Russian Federation. Particular attention was paid to the exercise of the formation of the command of the Collective Aviation Force, the organization of its work on the transfer of military contingents of the Collective Operational Response Force of the CSTO to the areas of use.

In mid-October, command-staff exercises were held at the Edelweiss training ground of the Kyrgyz Republic with the CSTO Collective Operational Response Forces-2018. During the practical actions stage, the units carried out combat training tasks for blocking and destroying illegal armed formations, worked out the issues of the integrated fire engagement of a conditional enemy throughout the depth of his combat formations, the use of tactical airborne assault forces, and the conduct of raid and reconnaissance and combat operations. A number of combat training tasks were carried out based on the experience gained in the Syrian Arab Republic.

At the third stage, the use of the Collective Peacekeeping Forces of the CSTO according to the Mandate of the UN Security Council in a non-CSTO member state was examined. In late October, a joint exercise with the CSTO “Indestructible Brotherhood-2018” peacekeeping forces was held at the Sverdlovsk Training Center.

In the course of the joint operational-strategic exercise "Combat Brotherhood - 2018", the member states of the CSTO once again demonstrated their readiness to fulfill allied obligations in the format of the Organization.

At the same time, we believe that these exercises have become a deterrent and an adequate response to the demonstration of military force to international terrorist organizations near the borders of the CSTO member states.

"It can be argued that the goals that we set for ourselves in 2018 in the area of ​​training the Organization’s Forces (Collective Forces) to fulfill the missions for the intended purpose have been achieved," the head of the CSTO Joint Staff summed up.

In 2019, we will continue the practice of conducting joint training activities against a single background of a conditional military-political and strategic situation within the framework of the joint operational-strategic exercise "Combat Brotherhood-2019". In the course of the exercise, the whole complex of measures to prevent (deter), resolve the military conflict and restore peace will be worked out in a logical sequence. Joint exercises are planned to be held on the territory of the Republic of Belarus, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tajikistan.

This year, for educational purposes, it is planned to build the Organization’s work with the introduction of crisis response mechanisms simultaneously in the East European and Central Asian collective security regions and to work out questions in real time using the available technical means.

This year, in combat training, the main focus will be on further elaboration of the formation of battalion tactical groups as part of the CSTO troops (collective forces) as the main tactical unit in armed conflicts and peacekeeping operations. At the same time, the preparation of tactical-level control bodies should be carried out with the expectation of their ability to control not only subordinates, but also attached and supporting forces and means.

The organization of command and control of the CSTO Troops (collective forces) will be improved in accordance with the decisions of the CSTO Collective Security Council.

This year, for the first time, a special exercise “Echelon-2019” is planned to be held with the forces and means of material and technical support of the CSTO member states, which implies the creation within the framework of the exercise of a joint management body and subdivisions, which in practice will work out the issues of transportation planning, supply and provision of material technical equipment for the operation of the collective rapid reaction forces in the East European collective security region.

This year it is also planned to test a new system of organizing joint training, which consists in systematizing the issues of planning, preparing joint exercises and training sessions in the Organization format.

It should be noted that at present the draft Decision on approving the Regulations on the preparation and conduct of joint exercises in the CSTO format, which in turn will allow us to better prepare and conduct our joint activities within the Organization, is submitted to the bodies of the Organization for consideration.

"In conclusion, I want to express confidence that the Collective Security Treaty Organization will be able to continue to successfully ensure the military security and sovereignty of the CSTO member states, and the Troops (Collective Forces) to fulfill the tasks set by the leaders of our states," the General of the CSTO Joint Staff emphasized - Colonel Anatoly Sidorov.

Photo of the press service of the CSTO Joint Staff

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