Representatives of the defense departments of the CSTO member states discussed the Plan for joint training of management bodies and formations of forces and means of the collective security system for 2021

Representatives of the defense departments of the CSTO member states discussed the Plan for joint training of management bodies and formations of forces and means of the collective security system for 2021 23.01.2020
In the period from January 21 to 23, consultations were held at the Joint Staff of the Collective Security Treaty Organization to consider a draft plan for the joint training of command and control bodies and forces and means of the Collective Security Council of the Collective Security Treaty Organization for 2021.

The event was held under the overall leadership of the First Deputy Chief of the CSTO Joint Staff, Lieutenant General Khasan Kaloev. Representatives of the defense departments of the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan, the Secretariat and the Joint Staff of the Collective Security Treaty Organization, as well as the Coordination Service of the Council of Commanders of the Border Troops of the Commonwealth of Independent States took part in it.

“The main purpose of the consultations is to discuss proposals and comments received on the draft plan from the defense departments of the CSTO member states, and to finalize its content,” said Lieutenant General Hassan Kaloev, opening the event.

During the meeting, taking into account the proposals of the representatives of the defense departments of the CSTO member states, measures were discussed aimed at improving the readiness of the forces and means of the CSTO collective security system to fulfill their intended tasks. The dates, venue, composition of the involved governing bodies and formations, as well as those responsible for carrying out the planned activities of joint operational and combat training for 2021, were agreed.

The CSTO Joint Staff will send the agreed draft document to the CSTO Permanent Council for consideration for a decision on its further direction to the member states of the Organization for internal approval.

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