At the CSTO Joint Staff a working meeting of the chiefs of the main operational directorates of the general staffs of the armed forces of the CSTO member states was held


On April 25 - 26, a working meeting of the chiefs of the main operational directorates of the general staffs of the armed forces of the CSTO member states was held in Moscow in the CSTO Joint Staff.

Рабочая встреча начальников главных оперативных управлений генеральных штабов вооруженных сил государств – членов ОДКБ

During the meeting held under the general guidance of Chief of the CSTO Joint Staff Colonel-General Anatoly Sidorov the issues of improving the organization of the management of the CSTO Collective Forces as well as the composition and functioning of the Collective Rapid Reaction Forces, Collective Rapid Deployment Forces of the Central Asian Region and CSTO Collective Air Force.

The representative of the Main Operational Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation made a report on the development of a coordinated position on the military-political aspects of ensuring international information security.

The working meeting allowed to discuss a wide range of issues and identify ways to solve them, aimed at the development and improvement of the military component of the CSTO.

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