The CSTO Joint Staff held the first staff talks on the preparation of joint trainings with the CSTO Collective Forces in 2022

The CSTO Joint Staff held the first staff talks on the preparation of joint trainings with the CSTO Collective Forces in 2022 28.04.2022

From April 26 to 28 of this year, the CSTO Joint Staff held the first staff talks on the organization and conduct of joint trainings with the CSTO Troops (Collective Forces), planned to be held in 2022.
Representatives of the concerned ministries and agencies of the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan and the CSTO Secretariat took part in the talks under the general supervision of Lieutenant General Hasan Kaloyev, First Deputy Chief of the CSTO Joint Staff.
In the course of the talks, the basics of the intentions of the joint trainings, the composition of the command and control bodies and troops involved in the trainings, and the procedure for the participation of invited contingents and observers in the joint events were examined and discussed.
A set of activities is envisaged as part of the operational and strategic training "Combat Brotherhood-2022".
Under the supervision of the CSTO Chief of the Joint Staff, in the course of the strategic command post training, the Organization's Crisis Response Center in cooperation with operational groups of concerned ministries and departments of states will consider in detail the factors affecting the state of collective security, forecast the development of the military, political and strategic situation, determine the probability and measures for the resolution of crisis situations.
In the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan it is planned to carry out trainings integrating the preparation of various components of the CSTO Troops (Collective Forces): command and staff training with the CSTO Collective Rapid Reaction Forces "Interaction-2022", special training with forces and means of intelligence "Search-2022" and with forces and means of Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics of the CSTO Troops (Collective Forces) "Echelon-2022".    

In order to practice the use of forces and means of the CSTO collective security system to counter international terrorist organizations, a joint training with units of the Central Asian Region’s Collective Rapid Deployment Forces "Rubezh-2022" was planned on the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan.
At the final stage of the operational-strategic training "Combat Brotherhood-2022" in the Kyrgyz Republic it is planned to hold a command and staff training with the CSTO Peacekeeping Forces "Indestructible Brotherhood-2022", during which the tasks of post-conflict settlement in the crisis zone and conducting a peacekeeping operation will be practiced.
The organization and conduct of these activities is carried out in accordance with the Regulations on the procedure for the preparation and conduct of joint trainings in the CSTO format, approved by the CSTO Collective Security Council decision of November 28, 2019.

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