Members of the CSTO Council of Ministers of Defense during a joint meeting of the Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs the Council of Ministers of Defense and Committee of Secretaries of Security Councils considered issues of military cooperation

Members of the CSTO Council of Ministers of Defense during a joint meeting of the Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs the Council of Ministers of Defense and Committee of Secretaries of Security Councils considered issues of military cooperation 27.11.2019

On November 27, a joint meeting of the Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, the Council of Ministers of Defense and the CSTO Committee of Secretaries of Security Councils was held in Bishkek (the Kyrgyz Republic).

The meeting was attended by the CSTO Acting Secretary General Valery Semerikov and Colonel General Anatoly Sidorov, chief of the CSTO Joint Staff.

The meeting participants discussed the military-political situation in the CSTO collective security regions, as well as the activities of the Organization during the intersessional period (2018-2019). The Russian side informed about the priority areas of activity during the chairmanship of the CSTO in 2020.

In accordance with the Agenda of the meeting, the heads of the defense departments signed documents on the issues of development of the military component of the CSTO, developed by the CSTO Joint Staff, including amending the plan of measures for joint operational and combat training for 2020, clarifying the  contingents included in the Collective Rapid Deployment Forces Central Asian region of collective security.


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