
The "Indestructible Brotherhood-2020" command and staff training with the CSTO Peacekeeping Forces will be held in the Republic of Belarus from October 12 to 16
From 17 to 20 August, In Russia, at the “Kapustin Yar” training ground, the “Echelon-2020” training will be held with the assets of Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics of the CSTO Collective Rapid Reaction Forces

The special training "ECHELON-2020" with the forces and means of material and technical support of the CSTO Troops (Collective Forces) will be held at the “Kapustin Yar” training area in the Russian Federation

The CSTO Military Committee discussed issues of the development of military cooperation of the Collective Security Treaty Organization member states via video-conferencing

Parade units of the CSTO member states took part in the Victory Parade on Red Square

The first staff negotiations on the preparation of joint trainings with the CSTO Troops (Collective Forces) took place

The 17th anniversary of the CSTO Joint Staff creation
Representatives of the defense departments of the CSTO member states have discussed the prevention and control of coronavirus infection COVID-19
For the first time, a meeting was held at the Joint Staff of the Collective Security Treaty Organization with representatives of the defense authorities of the Organization's member states authorized to interact with the CSTO Crisis Response Center
Working visit to the Kyrgyz Republic aimed at improving the CSTO crisis response system
A working meeting was held between the Head of the CSTO Joint Staff and the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan to Russia
Representatives of the defense departments of the CSTO member states discussed the Plan for joint training of management bodies and formations of forces and means of the collective security system for 2021